

Go to Salad

First I slice tomato and I had just used up my last ripe avocado. So, if my other avocados were ripe I would of added them. 

A portion of cucumber which I love to snack on sabra original hummus or Ken's french dressing. You can make your own hummus it's super easy recipe, but if I don't make my own sabra is the only brand I like. Any cucumber you don't use leave the skin on it, it will keep it fresh from the rest for the next time you're ready to use it.

Last steps is really what I have a taste for. Light garlic salt and pepper. Italian dressing, balsamic vinaigrette, oil and vinegar.  I used Italian dressing and hummus on the side. Also the olives are optional, I know a lot of people don't like olives. This can be a side salad and a light lunch.